Sunday, June 15, 2014

Few weeks ago, I posted a cake picture on my Instagram. It was boring weekend, and I feel like want to eat cake. So I decide to make cake, something chocolaty and can be served cold. Last time I made Lemon Frosted cake, it was frozen when you put it in fridge, because of it contains lots of butter. I decide to make Black Forest cake. As usual, I always make half from the recipe (just incase I ruin the cake, so I don't waste too much ingredients). Here's the recipe that I got from one of mum's recipe book and do some freestyle :p.

Choco Blueberry Cake (Black Forest Cake)

Cake Ingredients : 
6 Egg yolk
2 Egg white
60 gr Sugar
35 gr Plain Flour
13 gr Milk Powder
13 gr Corn Flour
8 gr Chocolate powder
75 gr Margarine
1 tsp Emulsifier
Chocolate paste

Filling, Whipped Cream & Topping Ingredient :
Instant Whipped cream
Blueberry Jam
Rhum & Simple syrup
Chocolate sprinkles & Oreo

How to :

Put the eggs (egg yolk & white egg), sugar and emulsifier into the mixer. Mix with high speed until it look pale, and feel soft and light (about 15 - 20 minutes).
While mixing it, in separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients (plain flour, corn flour, chocolate powder).
Put the margarine into the pan and heat it up until all melted. Don't forget to prepare the pan and pre-heat the oven at 250 degrees Celsius.
When the batter looks pale and fluffy, turn off the mixer. Add the dry ingredient in three additions. Mix it manually until you have smooth batter, then add chocolate paste & the melted margarine.
If you use sticky pan, don't forget to give margarine and cover it with some flour or you can use baking paper. Put the batter into the pan and place it in the oven for about 25 minutes. Don't open the oven until you see there's space between the pan and the cake or your cake will be fall down.
When it's done, take out the cake from pan and put in the plate, and let it cooling down.
Prepare the whipped cream. I use instant whipped cream. Put the instant powder into bowl, add some water or plain milk (see the instructions in the box) and mix it for 5 minutes.
Cut the cake into two parts, since I use square pan, I cut the cake into half and become rectangle.
Mix the rum with simple syrup and pour it into the cake. I use less rhum and more simple syrup because I don't really like the rhum aroma. I don't like dry cake, so I put one glass of the mixture for small cake.
Put the blueberry jam on the top of the cake (just one of them). Next layer will be the whipped cream. You can add black cherry before you put the whipped cream on the top of the blueberry jam (I don't have it atm ;p, so I skipped it). When you done, put the other part of the cake on it.
Use the rest of whipped cream to cover the cake, and sprinkle the chocolate sprinkles on it. Usually I use dark chocolate to decorate, but again, I don't have it ;p. I add some Oreo crushed on the top of the cake. And for the decoration, I use the Oreo biscuits. Done!

As you can see, the cake have light brown color (I did add lots of chocolate paste!). It's all because I spill the one and only one chocolate powder into the floor XD. You can add more chocolate powder (I think I supposed to add more chocolate powder).
But overall, it taste awesome! The cake really moist and soft ;) Haha! So happy I can finally make good cake that can be store in frigde without frozen. Hehe! 

Love, Ninu


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