Monday, March 24, 2014

This weekend I was planning to continue to paint my old bookshelf, but the weather not friendly at all. It's been raining since morning XD All plan ruined.. But I got another idea. I have to paint some part of my window (I already prepare the paint few days ago). So, I want to paint this top part of the window (I don't know the English word for that part ;p). Actually it looks just fine, but I guess it didn't fit with my bedroom theme, which is white. Instead paint it all white, I'm thinking to give pattern on it. And I have been lovin' chevron pattern for a while and want it on my stuff. 

So, I take the ladder and start measure it. I want it look nice and tidy, first time doing chevron, I didn't measure it. I grab my marker, ruler and paper tape and start doing it.

I only make two layers, because it was really hard to do it (I'm just too lazy to sit on the ladder for longer time). So i start to paint it. I know it won't look the best because I didn't use wood paint. I use interior paint for regular wall and maybe will spray paint it with clear color to secure it.

Now, it's time to wait until the paint is totally dry. When it's dry, I check it and give another layer. Since it's not wooden paint, I need to give more layers so it will cover everything. It also look nice with fully white color ;) After all part is fully covered and dry, it's time to peel off the tape. I was worry it the line won't be clean, just like my first trial. I did press the edges of the tape, but it still happened XD

 Becuase it's a water base paint, and I paint it on oil base paint it more easier to clean the mess. I just take cotton buds and water, then start to clean it carefully. The paint is easily peeled off XD. After that, clean it one more time with wet towel. And here is the final result.

Look more tidy, even line not perfectly straight but it looks nice for far ;p So, this is my weekend DIY this weekend, what's yours?

Love, Ninu


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