Sunday, March 30, 2014

It's been a while I didn't post anything. Actually so many stuff to blog, but i was too lazy XD. So last week, something bad happened. I got an accident on the way to work. Tuesday, March 26th, a beautiful sunny day, I got stung by a bee, a giant be for sure. I was riding my scooter, it was like 5 minutes to work, and then suddenly a giant bee stuck on my leg, and then, AWWW! I was shocked, thinking to stop, but I'm on the right side of the road and there's another scooter near me. So I just keep riding until office.

It was really painfull but I still can smile and tell the office boy the story, lol. Until, 5 minutes later, it feel more hurts and start swollen and feel burns. So I decide to go to clinic, near from office (I still ride my scooter ;p). They don't emergency room there, so I have to wait just like normal patient at clinic. After like 30 minutes, I finally see the doctor and tell her what happened. She just clean it up, give antiseptic and NaCl to cool down the burn feeling. So, I only got a cream, to prevent the swollen, antiseptic and bandages, and I also got a recommendation letter, so I can get off from work, it's for three days XD.

Everyone who saw me, including the nurse and the pharmacist, at clinic think I just had motorcycle accident. Haha! I told them i got stung by a bee, and one of them said, that she ever had once and it's really painfull and her husband said, just pretend it was a theraphy, lol. After that, I go back to office, pack my stuff. My coworker was laughing because of this XD. But, yeah, it was funny and painfull at the same time. Then, i went home and trying to take a rest. here's how the doctor cover my leg, lol, she said it just like when you are playing as doctor when you little, lol

Ow, on the way home, mum told me to get a milk, since the doctor didn't give me antibiotics, just to prevent if there is toxic from the bee. Look at those circle, that's where that dummy bee stung me XD. Mum told me to use a herbal honey on the circle instead of antiseptic. But it was worse, paint to the bone XD I can't barely walk and feels like something crawling under my skin, lol. 

Everything is fine now, no swollen, no pain just sometimes itchy on that circle part. Until now, i still don't know what kind of bee is that. It's black and yellow, but it's not black and yellow stripes (the top picture, that is the closest kind of bee that sting me). Maybe it's bumblebee but I'm not sure. Maybe the was drunk and suddenly stuck on me XD. 

Lucky, I wear jeans on that day, I was planning to wear my new dress then I change my mind before I go. I can't imagine what will happen if I don't wear jeans. 

Love for the bee XD, Ninu


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