Wednesday, March 5, 2014

This monday, is my dad birthday. As usual, we have no plan at all because dad don't like to celebrate it. Usually we just have lunch together somewhere. But this year, it's on Monday XD don't know if we can go out on that day. So, my sister text me in the morning and told me to get cake. We usually get cake after work if the family member having birthday. Since my sister office relocated into the "jungle", she never go with me. Since I went home alone, i can't bring the cake with me. I told her to pick up the cake, with dad lol. So, it's not a surprise cake anymore ;p

So, that's the cake, Paradiso Cake. I asked the waitress is this fruit cake and she said its different. And I believe her, until we tried it at home. It's FRUIT CAKE! Doh! She always say the wrong thing everytime I ask about the cakes in there. But as always, the cake is yummy ^^

And, you must be wondering why it says Papa & Mama hehe, because we don't have a chance to get cake for Mom birthday. My brother was at hospital, after bike accident on my birthday and he stay there until January 3rd if I'm mistaken, which mean everyone also busy take care my brother and his new baby born girl on my birthday and Mom .

Back to topic, hehe, that day also the second time Dad hold baby Zee (Yeah, second time since she was born). Haha! I made him hold her and sit on his lap lol! And take picture, of course! I just notice on my google+ they put autoawesome on one of the pic. Look! Showing much love ;p

So, Happy Birthday Pa! Have a great year and may Allah bless you! I love you.
We are waiting for the lunch together hehe... ;p

Love, Ninu


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